One of the most unique traits of FuZZieMiNTs are the 17 different positive vibes, that dance around on the top of their furry little bodies.
The first version of FuZZieMiNTs actually had no vibes, they were just cute fuzzy little creatures. But one thing was for sure. They made me feel positive and happy.
So while deciding on the different traits of the FuZZies, I decided to materialize the positivity that would come with each.
This instantly gave me a lot of creative freedom, and many future gamification options. And I had a blast choosing and creating each of these.
The future of positive vibes is bright.
You will be able to combine their vibes to create super vibes. Different vibes will have different powers and capabilities in the FuZZieVeRSe game, and vibes will also have the capability to be used as forms of exchange.
So, here is a little bit about each vibe and the wisdom behind the dynamic design of each.
Compassion is represented by a sphere that is being held up on a platform and guarded while giving space to honor it’s individuality while protecting it.
Courage is represented by a tiny sphere that is standing outside of a more robust bigger structure.
It signifies that sometimes courage is about standing on your own, going against the status quo, being the outsider, and still maintaining your perspective.
Creativity almost resembles a machine with many moving parts, all in motion independent of each other, yet meshing together cohesively.
It represents freedom and individuality, happiness, playfulness and just a little bit of structure.
Empathy is about upholding and honoring the middle rounded cube. It is gently guarded and the rest of the structures flow with it, while it does what it needs to do.
This is about being there while allowing all the feels, and stepping to the same plate.
Equality is the most rare vibe, and is represented by, well, the equal sign.
It is dynamic and ever changing with the bottom structure never in place, and always disturbing the balance.
Generosity is represented by three hollow spheres nesting within each other.
These signify openness, transparency and invoke a sense of comfort.
Health is represented by 5 shapes that are seemingly separate but are heavily connected and dependent on each other.
As is, it represents a holistic view of health, and values the connection between each component.
Honesty is represented by two diamonds that are interconnected.
Honesty is heavy, it is noble, but also very valued.
Humor is light and playful. It is represented by shapes that look like a clown hat and nose.
Intelligence is represented by an almost machine-like blend of simple shapes that work together and “Light up” as the FuZZieMiNTs hops in.
Intuition is represented by 5 spheres of different sizes, that rotate in different directions.
Leadership is represented by a main sphere on a platform and many other spheres “looking up” to it.
Loyalty is a bunch of spheres that are grouped together as the environment around them changes.
They loyally stick together, creating a bigger structure instead of being alone as tiny spheres.
14. LOVE
Love was an easy one. It’s a heart, with a sphere above it, that is forever uplifted by that heart.
Magic is playful, it dances. And this is what I tried to capture in this model. It is dynamic and exciting.
Patience is subtle. It is graceful. It is signified by 3 shapes, each patiently waiting for each other.
Wealth is signified by a coin and a diamond. Pretty straightforward. It also happens to be the most common FuZZieMiNT Vibe.
And with that, you know how all the vibes were designed.
We are all about dem positive vibes.
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