FuZZieMiNTs- the origin story

Saba SW
5 min readNov 11, 2021

Everyone always asks me how I came up with idea of FuZZieMiNTs.

It’s a long (but interesting story) so buckle up. And it does require a little bit of background on me, as the creator. (That’s me in the middle)


In 2018, I quit my full-time job to pursue my dream to create for a living. I have always been a gamer, and have viewed games as the ultimate art form. And so along with my husband, I decided that at the age of 35 there was no better time to start our own business.

We created our studio with a vision of creating games for impact. Our purpose is to bring awareness, empathy and positive action through this wonderful interactive medium.

We created many games, mostly for the mobile, about plastic pollution, about art, about mental health and more. Fast forward to 2020, we had a deal with a publisher in Korea to distribute one of our games. We also expanded our family and welcomed our baby boy.

And then covid happened.

So fast forward to March 2021, and we were almost going to close our studio down. We hadn’t taken a salary in over a year, and I was just feeling really down and depressed.

That’s when one of my friends told me about NFTs


I looked into this new technology and loved the concept. So artists can finally be valued for their work? It’s all online? It’s all transparent and anyone can learn it? VERY PROMISING.

There was so much to learn about this space and it was the first time I started using twitter.

I have always been creating but I felt I needed to create something new. I was really depressed so I took my iPad and decided to draw something that would make me happy. And that’s when I started drawing these guys. Yes, these were the first 2d FuZZieMiNTs.

I made an NFT sale in the first week of being in this space. It was an amazing feeling. As an artist doing pure art, this was literally my first sale. But as someone who just came newly into this space, I made many mistakes. I made too much art and minted too much of it, and decided to explore many different styles.

Sales suffered because of this and I soon deleted a lot of my work, including the first generation of FuZZieMiNTs.


At first I came into the space just to make an income on the side, as business was doing so badly.

But learning more about the space made me realize that THIS COULD BE OUR BUSINESS.

NFTs and gaming are still an untapped market and we could be the pioneers. We brainstormed many game ideas, while I was still doing 1/1 art and engaging on NFT twitter.

And as all great moments that change your life, I remember this one very clearly. I was in a twitter spaces and requested to speak as I had a question for the host. Another twitter user (colorchartist) came on the spaces, and had a question for ME. This was surprising, as I was not really a “speaker” in this space.

They asked me about FuZZieMiNTS! They said that they had been saving ETH for a while to get one and when they went to buy one, they couldn’t find it. This took me by surprise, as I didn’t think they were that great as I had only sold ONE (yeah, talk about imposter syndrome)

And that moment changed everything. I realized we had our game all along. It was these cuties, that made people who saw them happy. They were positive creatures and they were meant to be.


Like any great idea, the more that was revealed to me, the more it all fell in place and exactly in line with our business and personal values.

Ofcourse, FuZZieMiNTs are positive creatures, so I gave them each a positive vibe.

With each day, the idea grew and grew, until it became a wonderful project that started spreading happiness, and more and more people responded to this positivity and came on board with our project.


To summarise, FuZZieMiNTs are 5,555 NFT collectibles that have been sent to humanity to help as we ascend to a 5th dimensional world.

From the original 2d design, they evolved to animated 3d bouncy balls of cuteness.

They are gaming collectibles that will be playable in the FuZZiVeRSe game, and even before this, will have gamification using the utility token FZBT.

These are positive, innovative, and community driven. And I couldn’t be happier with how all this has turned out.

So that’s how the FuZZieMiNTs came to life, saving me, my business and making a positive difference already.

Our goal is to spread positivity, and create an excellent innovative project that will provide value to its holders, while upholding our business and personal values.

We couldn’t be prouder of how this journey has turned out so far.

We even got some love from Reese Witherspoon herself on twitter, calling our project adorable! This has been the highlight of the journey.

We are currently minting, and have lots of plans already in progress. This is our passion and a core product of our business and we hope that you will all see the potential and join our FuZZie fam!

You can mint here, and read more about our roadmap here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

And make sure to follow me, check out our website, Twitter, and join our Discord.



Saba SW

Mom to one human and 8 cats | Entrepreneur and game designer | Creator of FuZZieMiNTs